
I am just a human, love people, any languages, colors, countries but no Borders.Years and years, since I was a child, I loved painting art
At that time Art was not considered as a profession. I had to study a subject more important, one I could find a good job.
So I did it. My family sent me to London where I studied English and secretariat. By that time, it was a profession in fashion. 
When I finished my study, I worked for many years as a executive secretary, but I was never happy doing this.
Always in my head and my heart I was doing painting. One day I decided to apply for a student visa to go to France, to study French and Art.
My dream came true: I went to France, I learned French in Sorbonne and worked very hard to go to École nationale supérieure des arts appliqués et des métiers d'art.
I really wanted to succeed to this school of Art. It was not easy, they had room for only 5 foreigners. 
I worked very hard to make a very good portfolio: I made it and I was accepted in this school.
After finishing my study, I worked and exhibited around the World.
But I was never satisfied with that, something was on me, that I was looking for.
My own personal life and marriage separated me from Art for almost 11 years
But a miracle happened in my life
My soul, my friend, my love, came to my life: Jean.
I really own him a lot in my life specially Art. He helped me a lot, did so many things for me to bringing me back to Art. I must thank him so much, he came to me as a angel.
At this time of my life Art and painting became no longer in my main focus, I was looking much further until the day I found another angel on Facebook who opened my heart and eyes to other places in the world.
In small village call Kotena in Mazandaran I met Jalal Mashmouliand and started to help in his Honar Dar Rousta project.
My life changed.
On the road of searching, finding hands who make Art, working, painting with children in villages... I must say I learned a lot with them. They are so eager too to get in touch with people from another part of the World.
Such a feeling, no words can explaine it.
I am so happy to work with Honar dar rousta and all groups and artists.
At the end I must say
My mother has always been supporting me all the way with her love and care,,,
Today she is not with me anymore but I continue with her strong love in my heart.
Galery Ranganeh presents village Art from the World.
I must thank Sohrab Sepehri who has been my best friend all the way since I was 12,,, my hero 
Please excuse me for my English and mistakes,,I just let my heart talks.
I love you all,,,,,Unconditional love is my word

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